OLD LIBERTY BAPTIST CHURCH CEMETERY, Oconee County, SC Version 1.0, 12-Sep-2005, C106A.TXT, C106 ******************************************************************************** It's believed that the usage of any original work submittals contained within these webpages such as articles, compiling, photographs or graphics, conform to Fair Use Doctrine & Copyright Guidelines. COPYRIGHT NOTE: (1.) Works published before 1923, are considered to be public- domain. (2.) Works published 1923-1977 without a copyright notice, are considered to be public-domain. (3.) Unpublished non-copyrighted works will have Author permission for public-domain. Facts, names, dates, events, places & data can not be copyrighted. Narration, compilations and creative works can be copyrighted. Copyright law in the U.S. does not protect facts or data, just the presentation of this data. REPRODUCING NOTICE: These electronic pages may only be reproduced for personal or 501(c) Not-For-Profit Society use. Use the following names, if, you would like to give any author compiling credit. AUTHORS: Paul M. Kankula-NN8NN & Gary L. Flynn-KE8FD *********************************************************************** 05-01-15 LOCATION: --------- Locate the intersection of Route-123 and Route-76 in Westminster. Drive west 7.3 miles on Route-123. Turn right on Cleveland Pike Road and drive 5.2 miles. Church is on left side of road. HISTORY: -------- A careful reading of records and minutes available reveals the existence of a "meeting house" called Liberty as early as 1797. However, the first organized church known as New Liberty was a log structure in Stephens County, Georgia in 1802 with sixty members. Because many of the members lived in South Carolina, the church was moved across the Tugaloo River on January 12, 1812. A log building was built near the location of the present church. Membership was listed as twenty members, both black and white. This was a year of tremendous growth as recorded in minutes to the association: "received by experience, 120; letter, 12; total members, 142." At that time slaves held membership and attended services with their masters. Many slaves are buried in the cemetery at Old Liberty, where a granite marker stands in memory of the unknown slaves. Following the Civil War, when black members no longer worshipped with the white members, a small log church was built nearby for them. It appears the log church burned in the early 1900's and a frame church was built. The exact date is unknown. The second frame structure was started in 1905 and completed in 1907. Several additions and changes were made to this building over the next forty years. In 1946, Rev. Jack Stansell, visiting evangelist, encouraged the members of Old Liberty to begin a building fund for a new brick church. He donated $13, one- tenth of the money paid to him for the revival meeting. A finance committee (Mrs. Alpha Pickens, Mrs. Nelle Harris, Mrs. Essie Smith) was formed and Old Liberty began raising funds for the new church. On October 2, 1949, "Old Liberty Baptist Church met in conference and decided and voted to build a brick church with a steeple." (Building committee: Berman Smith, George Harris, Glenn Smith) The first services were held in the new church on November 12, 1950. Dedication services were conducted on October 16, 1951 when all work was completed. Cost of the new church was $22,000 plus many donated hours of labor and materials. (Rev. C. L. Garrett was pastor.) This brick church building served the congregation until March 24, 1973, when a tragic fire totally destroyed it. A young mother, Gail Williams, and her son, Chan, died as a result of the fire. Once again, Old Liberty began a building program. Members voted on April 1, 1973 to rebuild at the same site. (Pastor M. A. Guest and deacons Berman Smith, Roscoe Jones, Charles Moore, Charles Spencer and Jack Lyles were selected as building committee) During the building process, services were held at the Cleveland Community Center and Gym. Seventeen months after the fire, with help from fellow churches, the Southern Baptist Convention, present and former members and numerous friends, the new $80,000 brick building was dedicated to the glory of God on August 11, 1974. Less than two years later, the church was debt free and a celebration and mortgage-burning service was held on April 11, 1976. In the mid-nineties it became apparent that Old Liberty needed to make some renovations to the church building and possibly add additional rooms. On June 8, 1997, a committee was selected "to research the needs and the desires of the congregation concerning an addition to the church." This committee, which later became the building committee was: Lamar Durham, chairman, Rodney Smith, Willie Hare, Brenda Adams, Elaine Moore. This committee conducted a written survey of the members which indicated needs such as handicap access, a larger kitchen and fellowship hall, additional classroom space, a pastor's study, etc. Over the next two years, many options were explored. Then on June 6, 1999, the building committee, contractor Neil Workman and architect Steve Peckham presented to the congregation a master plan of a proposed addition and renovations to the existing building. Members were encouraged to study the proposal and to consider prayerfully the plans for one week. A secret vote was taken on June 13, 1999 on the building committee's motion to construct a wing on the present church building and renovate parts of the present building at a cost not to exceed $314,247.48. Votes were counted and it was then announced that a majority was in favor of the motion and the project would proceed with Trehel Construction Company as contractor. Actual work began in March 2000 with completion expected in July 2000. (Rev. Reginald Pressley was pastor of Old Liberty during this construction and was actively involved in the process.) This addition was dedicated September 24, 2000. From a beginning nearly two hundred years ago in a small log structure to the present brick building, Old Liberty Baptist Church has experienced times of great spiritual blessings and growth and times of deep spiritual poverty and strife. However, there were always those men and women who, by their faith and fortitude, kept aflame the love of God and maintained the zeal for public worship. It is with pride in this heritage that Old Liberty continues the ministry begun so many years ago by these strong men and women of God. ---------- Historic Old Liberty Baptist church is located in northwest Oconee County near the Tugaloo River. Over the years, the church has been known by three names: Liberty, New Liberty, and Old Liberty. Records from Georgia indicate a "meeting House" called Liberty existed as early as 1797. However, the first organized church, New Liberty, was a log structure in Stephens County in 1802, with sixty members. Many members lived in South Carolina, so the church was moved across the river January 12, 1812 and a log church was built near the location of the present church. Membership at that time was twenty members, both black and white. Slaves held membership and attended services with their masters. Many are buried in the cemetery at Old Liberty. Following The War Between the States, black members no longer worshipped with white members: a small log church was built nearby for them. About this time, the first frame church was erected. It was used until 1905, when a larger building was needed. This was completed in 1907 and, as the membership continued to grow, additions were made. In 1946, Reverend Jack Stansell, visiting evangelist, started a building fund for a brick church with a donation of $13, one-tenth of the money paid him for the revival. Four years later, November 12, 1950, the first services were held in the new church. Several renovations were made to the church during the next years. On March 24, 1973, a tragic fire destroyed the church. A young mother, Gail Williams, and her three-year-old son, Chan, died as a result of the fire. Once again, Old Liberty began a building program while services were held in the Cleveland Community Center. Seventeen months later, with help from fellow churches, the Southern Baptist Convention, former and present members, and numerous friends, the new $80,000 church was dedicated to the glory of God on August 11, 1974. Less than two years later, the church was debt-free. Present membership is one hundred eighty. From a beginning nearly two hundred years ago in a tiny log structure to the beautiful brick church today, Old Liberty has experienced times of great spiritual blessings and growth and times of deep spiritual poverty and strife. However, there were always those men and women who, by faith and fortitude, kept aflame the love of God and maintained their zeal for public worship. It is with great pride in this heritage that Old Liberty continues the ministry started so many years ago by these strong men and women of God. Submitted by: Vera S. Julian. DATAFILE INPUT . : Paul M. Kankula at (visit above website) in Mar-2001 : Vivian Parkman at cpvp@aol.com in Mar-2001 HISTORY WRITE-UP : Betty H. Lyles, Church Clerk in Mar-2001 Vera S. Julian. LIBRARY REFERENCE: ____________ at ____________ in _______ TRANSCRIPTION .. : Betty H. Lyles at Westminster SC in Mar-2001 TRANSCRIPTION NOTES: -------------------- a. = age at death b. = date of birth d. = date of death h. = husband p. = parents w. = wife NOTES: ------ East Side Cemetery: ------------------- Granite Marker: "In memory of those buried here known only to God. Old Liberty Baptist Church-1988." Numerous unmarked graves in this cemetery - many slaves are said to be buried there. North Side Cemetery: -------------------- 8-10 unmarked graves between surnames Rider & Certain. West Side Cemetery: ------------------- 4-6 unmarked graves with cement blocks around perimeter - 1 field stone. "Infant" field stone. 1 unmarked grave. 1 unmarked grave with small field stone. 2 field stone graves. 8-10 unmarked graves. 3 field stone graves. ADAMS, Carl, b. 27-jun-1940, d. 20-mar-1941 ADAMS, Ida Stone, b. 23-dec-1907, d. 23-dec-1992 ADAMS, Isaac, b. 17-jan-1898, d. 21-jul-1991 ADAMS, Jimmy, b. 10-sep-1935, d. 19-jul-1936 ANDERSON, Samille Pickens, b. 26-nov-1914, d. 20-feb-2001 BURKETT, Charles Andrew, b. 4-may-1987, d. 4-may-1987 BUTLER, Henderson P., b. 23-may-1845, d. 16-feb-1875 BUTLER, William A., b. 14-apr-1868, d. 9-feb-1874 BUTTS, Cleo L., b. 15-jun-1931, d. 6-jun-1962 BUTTS, John H., b. 25-mar-1927, d. 22-jul-1977 CARLTON, Billy F., b. 10-mar-1949, d. 8-nov-1995 CARTER, Almetia, b. 9-sep-1883, d. 9-aug-1934 CERTAIN, J.A., b. 18-mar-1919, d. 4-jul-1920 CERTAIN, John Henry, b. 5-jun-1882, d. 15-oct-1926 CHASTAIN, Infant Son, b. 23-apr-1981, d. 23-apr-1981, p. don & sherry chastain CHRISLEY, Derrick A., b. 29-jun-1971, d. 23-oct-1971 CLARK, Baterice, b. 28-nov-1918, d. 14-aug-1919 CLARK, Ethel, b. 9-mar-1929, d. 17-mar-1929 CLARK, Infant (Twins), p. anderson clark CLELAND, John Dargan, b. 4-sep-1870, d. 14-feb-1871 CLELAND, John Dargan, b. 4-sep-1870, d. 14-feb-1871 COOPER, Cassie C., b. 1-may-1823, d. 1-feb-1924, m. of mary ann, rachal, eliza & louisa COTHRAN, Alma L. Powell, b. 1889, d. 1937 COX, Abbie L., b. 13-jun-1918 COX, Dennie Smith, b. 21-sep-1874, d. 13-jun-1947 COX, Joel, infant COX, Nathaniel G., b. 23-sep-1876, d. 9-may-1909 COX, Ollie, b. 21-may-1901, d. 2-aug-1901 COX, Oscar, b. 8-may-1912, d. 22-sep-1987 COX, William Garnett, b. 2-jun-1905, d. 7-dec-1905 CRUMPTON, Gibbs T., b. 14-aug-1934 CRUMPTON, Lydia Ruth, b. 21-mar-1936, d. 25-dec-1998 DAVIS, Infant Son (Twins), b. 1-apr-1950, d. 1-apr-1950 DAVIS, James T., b. 10-jan-1881, 2-jan-1953 DAVIS, Kimberly Denise, b. 16-mar-1972, d. 16-mar-1972, p. john & janice DAVIS, Lillie A., b. 22-apr-1884, d. 29-dec-1924 DAVIS, Lizzie Mae, b. 16-jul-1922 DAVIS, Robert L., b. 3-apr-1912, d. 29-apr-1953 DAVIS, Sam Thomas, b. 11-jul-1923, d. 1-dec-1976 DAVIS, Thomas F., b. 9-nov-1814, d. 14-jun-1872 DOUGLAS, Bobbie J., b. 3-apr-1959, d. 12-nov-1995 DOYLE, James A., b. 23-dec-1804, d. 23-jul-1884 DOYLE, Lizzie J., b. 14-jan-1856, d. 11-jan-1859 DOYLE, Martha H., d. 4-jul-1861 DOYLE, Rose S., b. 25-feb-1843, d. 10-aug-1862 DOYLE, Samuel D., b. 9-jun-1852, d. 18-sep-1880 ELROD, Hattie S.W., b. 12-jan-1907, d. 23-jan-1990 FLETCHER, Bertha Hare, b. 4-mar-1914, d. 15-jun-1995 FLETCHER, Charles, b. 26-aug-1933, d. 17-jan-1934 FLETCHER, Clara, b. 4-jun-1940, d. 16-sep-1944 FLETCHER, Jimmy Leroy, b. 1944, d. 2000 FLETCHER, Leroy, b. 14-feb-1913, d. 22-dec-1980 GIBBY, Barrie Lee, b. 15-jan-1957, d. 1-sep-1962 GIBSON, Anthony G., b. 1959, d. 1994 HALL, Alred, b. 17-jul-1916, d. 2-aug-1917, unknown burial location, no marker HAM, Leslie Elizabeth, b. 2-apr-1978, d. 2-apr-1978, f. henry h. ham jr HARE, Harrison A., b. 1-jan-1888, d. 30-jun-1969 HARE, James A., b. 28-may-1932 HARE, Mary C., b. 19-feb-1899, d. 31-may-1932 HARE, Stella Stone, b. 25-aug-1931 HARRIS, Sarah, b. 20-jun-1875, d. 14-may-1910 HAYES, Cleo M.S., b. 1928, d. 1963 HOLBROOK, Charlie D., b. 22-jan-1915, d. 21-apr-1979 HOLBROOK, Sarah J., b. 5-jul-1862, d. 27-feb-1932 HOLBROOK, William M., b. 9-mar-1859, d. 8-apr-1920 HOLBROOKS, Alex Z., b. 19-jun-1890, d. 2-aug-1960 HOLBROOKS, b. 20-aug-1917, d. 25-jul-1937 HOLBROOKS, Charlie, b. 22-jan-1915, d. 21-apr-1979 HOLBROOKS, Delton Turner, b. 25-jun-1930, d. 14-nov-1991 HOLBROOKS, Etta Smith, b. 18-sep-1883, d. 23-apr-1938 HOLBROOKS, Grace, b. 1921, d. 1952 HOLBROOKS, Henry Cecil, b. 13-dec-1919, d. 15-dec-1990 HOLBROOKS, Hulet E., b. 24-dec-1862, d. 2-sep-1941 HOLBROOKS, Infant, 4 graves HOLBROOKS, J. McKinley, b. 11-jun-1898, d. 28-nov-1960 HOLBROOKS, Jessie R., b. 21-feb-1886, d. 17-nov-1967 HOLBROOKS, Joe B., b. 27-jun-1888, d. 3-dec-1968 HOLBROOKS, Laura H., b. 6-apr-1902, d. 25-feb-1960 HOLBROOKS, Laura R., b. 20-sep-1884, d. 3-nov-1955 HOLBROOKS, Marvin H., b. 1948, d. 1948 HOLBROOKS, Mary, b. 13-oct-1891, d. 5-jan-1985 HOLBROOKS, Mary, b. 22-sep-1922 HOLBROOKS, Myrtle A., b. 1963, d. 1963 HOLBROOKS, Omie, b. 12-apr-1895, d. 24-nov-1978 HOLBROOKS, Peggy L., b. 1947, d. 1947 HOLBROOKS, Posey C., b. 21-jan-1884, d. 23-jul-1969 HOLBROOKS, Sally Grace, b. 16-apr-1921, d. 2-jun-1952 HOLBROOKS, Sarah J., b. 5-jul-1862, d. 27-feb-1932 HOLBROOKS, Siddy Elvira, b. 12-jan-1872, d. 6-mar-1960 HOLBROOKS, Veron F., 30-may-1933 HOLBROOKS, William M., b. 9-mar-1859, d. 8-apr-1920 HOLBROOKS, Willie Joel, b. 30-aug-1939, d. 5-oct-1979 HUDSON, J.D., 22-aug-1870, d. 18-apr-1935 HUDSON, Joel, b. 7-feb-1923, d. 28-nov-1927 HUDSON, John M., b. 25-aug-1836, d. 1-nov-1917 HUDSON, M.W., b. 5-mar-1872, d. 4-sep-1931 HUNTER, George V., b. 19-feb-1824, d. 14-sep-1898 HUNTER, Jessie L., b. 9-may-1858, d. 1-sep-1869 HUNTER, Martha, b. 8-apr-1827, d. 30-nov-1901 HUNTER, Rozelier, d. 15-sep-1869 HUNTER, William L., b. 9-may-1858, d. 5-sep-1869 JENKINS, Gladys D., b. 1908, d. 1987 JENKINS, Lawton, b. 1904, d. 1959 JONES, Alice Bertha, b. 7-may-1902, d. 11-may-1930 JONES, Baylus Jefferson, 11-mar-1932 JONES, Beverly K., b. 13-oct-1951, d. 10-jul-1988 JONES, Burymand C., b. 11-jul-1891, d. 9-feb-1930 JONES, Charlie, b. 22-mar-1886, d. 8-mar-1921 JONES, Grady Eugene, b. 22-nov-1919, d. 18-apr-1987 JONES, H.B. JONES, H.B., b. 15-jan-1852, d. 25-aug-1928 JONES, H.J., b. 20-aug-1915, d. 23-mar-1920 JONES, Infant Daughter (Twins), b. 9-may-1917, d. 9-may-1917, p. w.r. & m.e. jones JONES, John Buford, b. 14-jan-1909, d. 12-apr-1994 JONES, John Roland, b. 12-mar-1871, d. 6-apr-1936 JONES, Leander Meeks, b. 22-oct-1879, d. 1-jun-1958 JONES, Martha E., b. 10-jul-1942, d. 14-aug-1949 JONES, Martha Emma, b. 31-jul-1878, d. 24-feb-1958 JONES, Nezzie Carter, b. 15-may-1916, d. 16-jun-1979 JONES, Nora May Elder, b. 8-may-1886, d. 16-feb-1975 JONES, Ralph, b. 2-jun-1913, d. 12-feb-1952 JONES, Sallie W., 19-may-1890, d. 18-aug-1966 JONES, Sarah E., b. 21-mar-1924, d. 11-dec-1929 JONES, Sarah J., b. 6-oct-1852, d. 15-jun-1931 JONES, Susie Irene Miles, b. 6-sep-1909, d. 15-jan-1998 JONES, Walter M., b. 11-oct-1913, d. 23-jun-1983 JONES, William Russie, b. 20-dec-1877, d. 25-apr-1950 KENNEDY, W.M. LEATHERS, J.B., b. 6-aug-1846 LEATHERS, Sudie G., b. 25-feb-1888, d. 24-sep-1889 LEATHERS, William W., b. 1811 LEE, Bernice Estell, p. dandy & floycie lee LEE, Bessie S., b. 29-sep-1902, d. 7-aug-1959 LEE, Betty Jean, b. 7-jun-1933, d. 4-apr-1945 LEE, Cora W., b. 1903, d. 1935 LEE, Dandy, b. 5-jun-1869, d. 30-oct-1956 LEE, Floycie C., b. 28-may-1880, d. 23-oct-1921 LEE, Henry, b. 19-jun-1924, d. 27-may-1925 LEE, Homer J., b. 1895, d. 1988 LEE, James A., b. 6-dec-1907, d. 5-aug-1973 LEE, Ruth C., b. 30-oct-1904, d. 28-nov-1995 LEE, Walter, b. 2-jan-1923, d. 11-jan-1923 LITAKER, Betty, b. 22-apr-1937 LITAKER, Frank, b. 9-dec-1935, d. 10-jul-1981 LITAKER, James Frank, b. 1935, d. 1981 LITCHFIELD, Getha M. Smith, b. 29-jan-1911, d. 27-oct-1949 LITCHFIELD, Getha M., b. 29-jan-1911, d. 27-oct-1949 LODEN, Ollie Neomi, b. 8-aug-1878, d. 1-feb-1881 LOONEY, Johnny Ray, b. 2-jun-1960, d. 18-jul-1999 LYLES, Betty Harris, b. 27-jan-1931 LYLES, G.W., infant, f. george LYLES, Jack Bryan, b. 27-sep-1931 LYLES, Michael Bryan, b. 6-nov-1954, d. 8-mar-1986 MAIN, Olivia Smith, 27-sep-1908, d. 18-jul-1986 McCRACKEN, Eline, b. 17-jun-1943, d. 30-jun-1943 McCRACKIN, (?), b. 6-oct-1944 McCRACKIN, Clem (Cleo), b. 7-jul-1920, d. 8-jun-1992 McCRACKIN, Helen M.A., b. 22-sep-1924, d. 20-dec-1997 McCRACKIN, Ricky Dale, b. 17-mar-1959, d. 24-jan-1992 McCRACKIN, Roy, b. 21-apr-1917, d. 8-jan-1984 McCRACKIN, Sally, b. 8-may-1925 McGUFFIN, Herchial, b. 23-jan-1912, d. 3-jun-1918 McGUFFIN, Mae Denny, b. 2-jun-1889, d. 11-mar-1915 MILES, Charlie Grover (Jr), b. 14-jul-1951, d. 20-mar-1952 MILES, James Grover, b. 7-apr-1926, 14-oct-1955 MOORE, A. Moses, b. 2-dec-1880, d. 25-oct-1957 MOORE, Barry Lee, b. 12-mar-1964, d. 12-mar-1964 MOORE, Charles, b. 17-feb-1924 MOORE, Infant, b. 15-oct-1921, d. 15-oct-1921 MOORE, Infant, b. 22-sep-1920, d. 22-sep-1920 MOORE, James Hubert, b. 4-apr-1925, d. 31-oct-1927 MOORE, Levi, b. 1886, d. 1971 MOORE, Mary Jane Lee, b. 4-nov-1881, d. 11-jun-1970, h. a.m. moore MOORE, Mary Josephine, b. 24-aug-1936, d. 24-aug-1936 MOORE, Mattie Cox, b. 1-jul-1903, d. 2-mar-1986 MOORE, Mildred G., b. 2-mar-1919, d. 10-jun-1920 MOORE, Moses A., b. 2-dec-1880, d. 25-oct-1957, w. m.j. moore MOORE, Nora Miles, b. 21-dec-1923 MOORE, Pollie Stone, b. 8-jan-1909 MOORE, Robert Lynn, b. 1939, d. 1987 MOORE, William Horace, b. 6-aug-1908 MURPHY, Mack M., b. 9-jul-1926, d. 10-jan-1957 MURPHY, Minnie L., b. 26-may-1900, d. 30-mar-1984 MURPHY, Paul J., b. 24-apr-1896, d. 24-apr-1968 NICHOLSON, Patricia Ann, b. 9-feb-1944, d. 9-feb-1944, p. boyd & hattie nicholson NIX, Emily Clara Moore, b. 1906, d. 1994 NORRIS, Bud S., b. 19-jan-1925, d. 26-dec-1977 NORRIS, Cliff D., b. 1-sep-1907, d. 28-aug-1983 NORRIS, George Leonard, b. 30-sep-1909, d. 3-apr-1969 NORRIS, Gracie Lee, b. 30-dec-1913, d. 8-feb-2001 NORRIS, Henry M., b. 23-apr-1916, d. 24-jul-1983 NORRIS, Infant Son, b. 28-feb-1938, d. 28-feb-1938, p. cliff & nancy norris NORRIS, J.W., b. 20-oct-1930, d. 8-sep-1994 NORRIS, Julier, b. 19-feb-1918, d. 20-apr-1946 NORRIS, Lacy, b. 1-jun-1882, d. 1-sep-1936 NORRIS, Lela C., b. 23-apr-1887, d. 17-nov-1941 NORRIS, Nancy M., b. 27-aug-1910 NORRIS, Sue B., b. 5-may-1935 NORRIS, Vivian Almon, b. 24-mar-1929 PATTON, John T., b. 10-jul-1857, d. 17-jun-1915 PATTON, Louie P., b. 17-jan-1874, d. 17-nov-1963 PHILLIPS, Amanda, b. 1907, d. 1994 PHILLIPS, Bernice Jonas, b. 26-feb-1908, d. 30-sep-1979 PHILLIPS, Edna May Belle, b. 22-dec-1907, d. 1-jan-1980 PHILLIPS, Fred T., b. 25-mar-1917, d. 24-aug-1967 PHILLIPS, G.J., b. 1904, d. 12-feb-1972 PHILLIPS, Infant Daughter, b. 1960, d. 1960 PHILLIPS, Jonus Bernice, b. 7-nov-1944, d. 22-sep-1993 PHILLIPS, Nellie, b. 13-aug-1920, d. 16-oct-1953 PICKENS, Alpha Powell, b. 1889, d. 1963 PICKENS, Eddie C., b. 1887, d. 1950 PICKENS, Edward C. (Jr), b. 1919, d. 1991 PICKENS, Frances Arve, b. 29-sep-1919 PICKENS, Lamar Gordon, b. 26-may-1925, d. 14-jan-1947 PITTS, Cliff PITTS, Cliff, b. 1926, d. 1980 POWELL, Amanda L., b. 1853, d. 1920 POWELL, Ansel, b. 1819, d. 1874 POWELL, Charles A., b. 11-jun-1924, d. 15-jan-1927 POWELL, Embree A., b. 10-feb-1893, d. 11-jun-1913 POWELL, Emily McDaniel POWELL, Infant POWELL, Infant, b. 17-dec-1886, d. 2-feb-1887 POWELL, J. Portman, b. 1857, d. 1934 POWELL, James P., b. 24-nov-1923, d. 7-feb-1928 POWELL, M. Zell, b. 1915, d. 1936 POWELL, Mae Belle S., b. 14-jul-1899, d. 10-jul-1988 POWELL, Mary, d. 11-aug-1883 POWELL, Mattie R. Phiffer, b. 1-aug-1876, d. 23-aug-1953, h. r.h. powell POWELL, Polly, b. 23-jun-1825, d. 25-apr-1897 POWELL, R. Haskell, b. 23-aug-1875, d. 28-jan-1917, w. m.r. powell POWELL, Robert U., b. 28-feb-1846, d. 26-dec-1912 POWELL, Robert, b. 16-feb-1820, d. 8-mar-1898 POWELL, Sanuel L., b. 1894, d. 1944 POWELL, Sarah A., b. 13-mar-1853, d. 7-jan-1926 POWELL, Swinton M., b. 21-oct-1873, d. 6-aug-1914 POWELL, Thomas L., b. 3-apr-1910, d. 6-feb-1911 POWELL, Thomas, d. 18-jan-1887 POWELL, William Paul, b. 1-nov-1884, d. 11-jun-1901 QUALLS, Logan, d. 21-aug-1918, n. died in france RAMEY, b. 19-oct-1865, d. 3-apr-1930 RAMEY, Grover G. RAMEY, Joel, b. 15-jul-1860, d. 1-nov-1939 RAMEY, Roger L., b. 8-dec-1956, d. 13-dec-1956, f. Robert ramey RAMEY, Sallie, b. 19-oct-1865, d. 3-apr-1930 RIDER, (?) RIDER, (?) ROBINSON, Charles N., b. 1937 ROBINSON, Jane Spencer, b. 1946, d. 1994 RUDESEAL, Little April, b. 1973, d. 1974 S., J.A. S., M.H. SERTAIN, J.A., b. 18-mar-1919, d. 4-jul-1920, f. b. sertain SHEDD, Linda Lou, 1952 SHEDD, Mae S., b. 1895, d. 1973 SHEDD, Mary Caroline, b. 1950, d. 1950 SHEDD, Paul, b. 1905, d. 1982 SHEDD, Rachel H., b. 19-aug-1908, d. 19-aug-1968 SHEDD, Virgil, b. 30-apr-1910, d. 19-aug-1987 SHEDD, Wilma, b. 1954, d. 1964 SMITH, Amie Lee, b. 4-jul-1916 SMITH, Ausie Fletcher, b. 18-mar-1910, d. 10-apr-1981 SMITH, Clyde, b. 20-oct-1916, d. 12-nov-1972 SMITH, Dora Ables, b. 11-may-1913, d. 10-apr-1992 SMITH, Dora E., b. 1878, d. 1962 SMITH, Doris Carolyn, b. 12-apr-1938, d. 8-apr-1940 SMITH, E.D., b. 19-sep-1913, d. 26-jul-1969 SMITH, Essie J., b. 30-dec-1889, d. 31-jan-1958, h. w.h. smith SMITH, Eugene, b. 21-jan-1913, d. 7-may-1914 SMITH, Furman W., b. 24-sep-1912, b. 27-may-1985 SMITH, G. Clyde, b. 20-oct-1916, d. 12-nov-1972 SMITH, Georgianna M. SMITH, Gladys S., b. 14-nov-1913, d. 4-feb-1996 SMITH, Glen D., b. 22-jun-1911 SMITH, Herbert Sullivan, b. 10-apr-1919 SMITH, Infant Daughter, b. 20-aug-1966, d. 20-aug-1966, f. guy smith SMITH, J. Winifred, b. 31-oct-1928, d. 23-oct-1949 SMITH, J. Worth, b. 6-oct-1887, d. 3-jul-1971 SMITH, James Berman, b. 11-jul-1906, d. 6-nov-1998 SMITH, Joe Clark, b. 8-may-1913, d. 25-nov-1993 SMITH, Julia, b. 8-nov-1860, d. 17-jan-1936 SMITH, L.B., 1918, p. m.m. & w.h. smith SMITH, Lennie Porter, b. 25-jun-1912, d. 8-jan-1995 SMITH, Lucy M., b. 20-sep-1930 SMITH, Marilyn E., b. 9-jan-1936, d. 1-jun-1946 SMITH, Mary M.S., b. 18-mar-1892, d. 1-nov-1976 SMITH, Mary N., b. 30-jun-1918 SMITH, Omie Josephine Stephens, b. 1-jan-1879, d. 30-nov-1959, h. t.e. smith SMITH, Oscar A., b. 12-mar-1916 SMITH, Oscar Lee, b. 6-sep-1940, d. 25-feb-1987 SMITH, Robert L., b. 1874, d. 1934 SMITH, Ruth, b. 7-jan-1936, d. 7-jan-1936, p. claude & ruth smith SMITH, Sandra M., b. 8-mar-1945 SMITH, Steve Dale, b. 23-jan-1959, d. 17-sep-1989 SMITH, Thomas Elick, b. 8-jun-1876, d. 6-apr-1965, w. o.j. smith SMITH, W.F., b. 1-jun-1857, d. 10-apr-1930 SMITH, Wilburn J/H., b. 18-aug-1884, d. 11-oct-1973 SMITH, Willie Walters, b. 20-oct-1905, d. 5-oct-1986 SMITH, Winnie D., b. 1-jun-1918, d. 28-feb-1989 SPENCER, Betty A., b. 1937, d. 1992 SPENCER, Beulah M., b. 30-sep-1905, d. 19-oct-1985 SPENCER, Claude, b. 25-dec-1891, d. 6-feb-1919 SPENCER, Dora Wilson, b. 6-aug-1913 SPENCER, Hugh R., b. 1937 SPENCER, J. Terrell, b. 27-jan-1912, d. 10-jan-1988 SPENCER, James M., b. 8-jul-1862, d. 17-may-1942 SPENCER, John Terrell, b. 26-dec-1930, d. 26-jul-1997 SPENCER, Lula J., b. 3-jan-1874, d. 21-jan-1957 SPENCER, N. Ray, b. 12-oct-1909, d. 23-jun-1996 SPENCER, Roy J., b. 23-apr-1906, d. 1-jun-1922 SPENCER, Virginia Hudson, b. 24-sep-1914 SPENCER, William Trinum, b. 4-nov-1896, d. 14-aug-1989 STANCIL, Maybell Norris, b. 21-may-1920, 6-jun-1983 STANDRIDGE, George, b. 1886, d. 1932 STANDRIDGE, Infant Son, b. 4-oct-1935, d. 4-oct-1935, p. l. & m. standridge STANDRIDGE, Jimmy Dwayne, b. 20-may-1947, d. 28-jan-1982 STANDRIDGE, Kate, b. 11-aug-1858, d. 21-feb-1932 STANDRIDGE, Lee Roy, b. 1892, d. 1936 STANDRIDGE, Mae, b. 1898, d. 1991 STANDRIDGE, Myrtie, b. 1905 STANDRIDGE, Oliver, b. 26-mar-1860, d. 15-nov-1938 STONE, Callie STONE, Ed, b. 2-feb-1902, d. 5-feb-1989 STONE, Georgia W., b. 20-jul-1874, d. 26-may-1954 STONE, Lewis Jackson, b. 5-nov-1858, d. 10-apr-1936 STONE, Lilly, b. 11-apr-1895, d. 20-aug-1913 SWAFFORD, Melissie Wall, b. 9-dec-1881, d. 28-apr-1933 TAYLOR, Anna Hunter, b. 17-jan-1856, d. 23-apr-1935 TAYLOR, Jesse M., b. 7-nov-1840, d. 27-apr-1912 TAYLOR, Margret, b. 9-jun-1895, d. 10-aug-1896, p. w.r. & l.j. THOMAS, Sharon Jean, d. 24-jan-1950, a. 2m VINSON, David Joe, 10-jul-1940, d. 12-jun-1995 VINSON, Linda Smith, b. 26-jul-1944 VINSON, Stanley Scott, 17-apr-1968, d. 19-jul-1999 WALKER, Barbara Jean Smith, b. 20-sep-1938 WALKER, Obra Melvin, b. 28-jun-1934, d. 26-jan-1996 WALL, J.A., b. 11-jun-1886, d. 28-mar-1905 WALL, J.J., b. 9-may-1866, d. 17-sep-1905 WALL, M.M., b. 3-jun-1864, d. 20-jul-1907 WALTERS, Belle L., b. 21-nov-1874, d. 27-jul-1954 WALTERS, Ruby L., b. 28-jul-1912, d. 12-apr-1968 WATTS, Thomas James, b. 1983, d. 1983 WEAVER, William A., b. 1921, d. 1928 WHITMAN, Effie Pitts, b. 18-jan-1877, d. 30-mar-1955 WHITMAN, Joseph W., b. 8-jan-1876, d. 30-jul-1924 WILLIAMS, David Chan, b. 25-may-1971, d. 9-apr-1973 WILLIAMS, J. Hillard, b. 28-sep-1862, d. 7-jan-1947 WILLIAMS, Junior Carl, b. 1917, d. 1918 WILLIAMS, Linda Gail Goss, b. 14-jan-1945, d. 30-mar-1973 WILLIAMS, Martha, b. 18-feb-1856, d. 13-jan-1934